2017-01-13 12.42.36  2017-01-13 13.03.06  2017-01-13 12.44.57


Our January Friday Forum featured a wonderful panel of parents who shared with us their stories of surviving transition on the road to creating a full and meaningful life for their children. From employment to day services, college, entrepreneurship and residential options, each unique story highlighted just one path to a successful adult transition. We hope that the variety of experiences presented will serve as encouragement and inspiration to those who are currently exploring or continue to explore their transition options.

Many thanks to our panelists: Trina Bryant, Micki Coppel, Joan Martin, Sandy Ricketts and Dawn Wiebe. We believe that fellow parents are a phenomenal resource and we truly appreciate their willingness to share their time and experiences with us.

Video from this event is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNqkdmesVMw 

Educational Outreach events are offered in partnership with the Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) and are funded in part by community grants from Palatine Township and the Rotary Club of Palatine. Thank you for your support!

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